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Mistaken for AdhdHow You Can Prevent Mislabeling Your Child as a Failure in Life in the Face of a Looming Adhd Misdiagnosis Crisis【電子書籍】[ Frank Barnhill ]
<p>Mistaken for ADHD</p> <p>Parents!</p> <p>The real tragedy in a childs life would be to cause him or her to fail to grow, mature and develop the normal skills needed for success as an adult.</p> <p>Unfortunately, if your child is wrongfully mislabeled as ADHD instead of being properly evaluated and treated for one of the disorders that can act just like ADHD, he or she might: Need medications every day for years Be labeled and subjected to discrimination in school as an impaired learner Require thousands of dollars for unneeded doctor visits and therapy Be unable to keep a job Have multiple legal problems Grow up to be a socially, emotionally handicapped adult, still living with you at age 30. Most doctors who evaluate children for ADHD are probably not adequately trained to do so!</p> <p>Mistaken for ADHD is your guide to help you take charge and be a strong advocate in making sure your childs behavior problem is thoroughly evaluated and treated.</p> <p>Between the covers of this book youll discover stories of children misdiagnosed as ADHD and how those ADHD-mimicking disorders or Zebras, as Dr. Frank refers to them, were properly diagnosed and treated.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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- 商品価格:1,144円
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